


“Born out of a simple belief that high quality education should be accessible to all”

Our goal is to build skills that matter for young learners in the 21st century, beginning with English.

We do this by delivering a truly effective and affordable learning experience. Learning has historically been associated with rote memorization and exams – and over the past year, online learning has made it worse. For many, it has been boring, lonely, and uninspiring. At Edukita, we believe that the learning experience is as equally important as the result itself. This is why we aspire to deliver a learning experience that is truly fun and engaging so students are inspired to become lifelong learners.

Unfortunately, most programs that offer such experience are out of reach for many young people so we are committed to provide a program that is widely affordable and accessible. This way, every young person can unlock their true potential and thrive in the modern workplace.


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Tabungan dan santunan pendidikan KasAnak dikelola sesuai syariah oleh PT Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Giri Artha (Amanah Githa)

PT Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Giri Artha (Amanah Githa) berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan